2. Atmospheres of other planets, satellites and comets (16 papers)
3. Chemistry in quiescent and shocked interstellar clouds (23 papers)
4. Molecular spectroscopy and atomic collisions (18 papers)
107 papers
B. Research
Level Text
on Atmospheric Ozone
C. Text Books for Colleges & Schools (2 Text Book)
50. Especially Significant New Component of N2O Quantum Yield in the UV Photolysis of O3 in Air, S. S. Prasad, J. Phys. Chem. J. Phys. Chem. A, 109, 9035-9043, 2005
49. The October 28, 2003 extreme EUV solar flare and resultant extreme ionospheric effects: Comparison to other Halloween events and the Bastille Day event, B. T.; Judge, D. L.; Guarnieri, F. L.; Gangopadhyay, P.; Jones, A. R.; Nuttall, J.; Zambon, G. A.; Didkovsky, L.; Mannucci, A. J.; Iijima, B.; Meier, R. R.; Immel, T. J.; Woods, T. N.; Prasad, S.; Floyd, L.; Huba, J.; Solomon, S. C.; Straus, P.; Viereck, R., Geophys. Res. Lett., 32, L03S09, doi:10.1029/2004GL021475 , 2005.
48. Photochemical production of odd nitrogen directly from O2, N2 principals: Atmospheric implications and related open issues, Prasad, S. S., and E. C. Zipf, J. Geophys. Res., 109, D08310, doi:10.1029/2003JD004061, 2004.
47. An intriguing photosensitized heterogeneous sink of nitrous oxide, S. S. Prasad, Appl. Surface Sci. 217, 1, 2003.
46. A Modeling Study of the Stratospheric NOX/NOY and NOX/HNO3 Ratios: Single versus Dual Channel Mode of OH, NO2 Association, Prasad, S. S., J. Geophys. Res. - Atmospheres, 108, No. D15, 4474, doi: 10.1029/2002JD002970, 2003.
45. "A new model of N2O quantum yield in the UV photolysis of O3/O2/N2 mixtures: Contributions of electronically excited O3 and O3· N2", S. S. Prasad, J. Chem. Phys., 107, 10,104, 2002
44. O2· N2 photochemistry in the present and Precambrian atmosphere, Zipf, E. C. and S. S. Prasad, J. Chem. Phys., 115, 5703, 2000.
43. "Atmospheric Production Of Nitrous Oxide From Excited Ozone And Its Significance", Prasad, S. S., and E. C. Zipf, Chemosphere-Global Change Science, 2, 235-245, 2000.
42. "Possible New Atmospheric Sources and Sinks of Odd Nitrogen: 2. A revisit with O2(B) and Discussions of Other Possibilities", S. S. Prasad, Phys. Chem. Earth, 25, 255, 2000.
41. "Middle Atmospheric Sources of Nitrous Oxide (N2O):
O2(B) and N2(A) Chemistry", S. S. Prasad and E.
C. Zipf, Phys. Chem. Earth, 25, 213, 2000.
40. "Possible New Atmospheric Sources and Sinks of Odd Nitrogen: 2. A Revisit with O2(B) and Discussion of Other Possibilities., S. S. Prasad, Phys. Chem. of the Earth, 25, 255, 2000.
39. "Experimental Evidence That Excited Ozone is a Source of Nitrous Oxide", Zipf, E. C., and S. S. Prasad, Geophys. Res. Lett., 25, 4333, 1998.
38. "Potential New Atmospheric Sources and Sinks of Odd Nitrogen. The Sources Involving the Excited O2 and the N2O.O3 Collision Complex, S. S. Prasad, Geophys. Res. Lett., 25, 2173, 1998.
37. "Evidence For New Sources of NOx in the Lower Atmosphere, E. C. Zipf and S. S. Prasad, Science, 297, 211, 1998.
36. "Potential Atmospheric Sources and Sinks of Nitrous Oxide. 2. Possibilities from excited O2, "embryonic" O3 and optically pumped O3. Sheo S. Prasad, J. Geophys. Res.,102, 21,527, 1997.
35. "Potential Atmospheric Sources and Sinks of Nitrous Oxide. 3. Consistency with the observed distributions of the mixing ratios. Sheo S. Prasad, E. C. Zipf and Xuepeng Zhao, J. Geophys. Res., 102, 21,537, 1997.
34. "Sources and Sinks of the Greenhouse Gas Nitrous Oxide: Atmospheric Candidates and their Implications for Global Change" Sheo S. Prasad, World Resource Rev., 7, 541, 1995.
33. "Natural Atmospheric Sources and Sinks of Nitrous Oxide. I. An Evaluation Based on Ten Laboratory Experiments", S. S. Prasad, J. Geophys. Res., 99, 5285, 1994.
32. "Equilibrium Constants for the Reaction ClO + O2 <-> ClOO2: Where it Stands, What Needs to be Done and Why?" S. S. Prasad and T. J. Lee, J. Geophys. Res., 99, 8225, 1994.
31. "Electron Scavenging of Stratospheric Chlorine. Will it Work?", S. S. Prasad, J. Geophys. Res., 98, 8597, 1993.
30. "Negative Chlorine Ion Chemistry in the Upper Stratosphere and its Application to an Artificially Created Dense Electron Cloud", S. S. Prasad, Annal. Geophisicae, 13, 296, 1995.
29. "Precipitating Electron Interaction with the Atmosphere, 2. The Dayside Cusp Region." S.S. Prasad, D.J. Strickland and Y.T. Chiu, J. Geophys. Res., 90, 11025. 1985.
28. "Interaction of Auroral Electrons with the Atmosphere in the Presence of Conjugate Field-Aligned Electrostatic Potential," S.S. Prasad, D.J. Strickland and Y.T. Chiu, J. Geophys. Res., 88, 4123, 1983.
27. "A Mesospheric Source of Nitrous Oxide," E.C. Zipf and S.S. Prasad, Nature, 295, 133, 1982.
26. "Production of Nitrous Oxide in the Atmosphere by Solar Protons and Relativistic Electrons," S.S. Prasad and E.C. Zipf, Nature, 291, 564, 1981.
25. "Excited Ozone is a Possible Source of Atmospheric Nitrous Oxide," S.S. Prasad, Nature, 289, 386, 1981.
24. "Production of Nitrous Oxide in Auroral D and E Regions," E.C. Zipf and S.S. Prasad, Nature, 287, 525, 1980.
23. "Possible Existence and Chemistry of ClOO2 in the Stratosphere," S.S. Prasad, Nature, 285, 152, 1980.
22. "Asymmetrical ClO3: Its Possible Formation from ClO and O2 and Its Possible Reactions," S.S. Prasad and W.M. Adams, J. Photochem, 13, 243, 1980.
21. "Possible Existence and Role of Excited Ozone Precursors in the Stratosphere," S.S. Prasad and P.G. Burton, Planet. Space Sci.,27, 411, 1979.
20. "Some Aspects of Stratospheric Chemical Response to Solar Particle Precipitation: Potential Roles of N2 (A 3) and Ion Chemistry," S.S. Prasad in Solar Terrestrial Influence on Weather and Climate, (B.M. McCormac and T.A. Seliga, Ed.), D. Reidel Publishing Co., Boston, USA, 1979.
19. "Reservoirs of Atmospheric Chlorine: Prospects for HOCl Revisited," S.S. Prasad, R.L. Jaffe, R.C. Whitten and R.P. Turco, Planet. Space Sci., 26, 1017, 1978.
18. "Some Aspects of Stratospheric Cl-ClO-Cl Cycle," Sheo S. Prasad, Planet. Space Sci., 24, 1187, 1976.
17. "Heat Budget of the Ionospheric Electrons," S.S. Prasad and L.J. Schneck, Annals. de Geophys., 34, 429, 1976.
16. "Time Dependent Study of Aurora: The Problem of n(NO+)/n(O2+) and the Intensity of Emission from O2 (1g)," S.S. Prasad, D.R. Furman and A.E.S. Green, Planet. Space Sci., 23, 1341, 1975.
15. "Auroral Electric Field Heating: Its Implications in the Height Profiles of Ion Composition and Emissions," S.S. Prasad and D.R. Furman, J. Geophys. Res., 80, 3701, 1975.
14. "Ionospheric Disturbance by Severe Weather Storms in Florida," S.S. Prasad, L.J. Schneck, and K. Davies, J. Atmos. Terr. Phys.,37, 1357, 1975.
13. "On the Importance of Doubly Charged Ions in the Auroral Inosphere," S.S. Prasad and D.R. Furman, J. Geophys. Res., 80, 1360, 1975.
12. "Loss of Transport in the F-Region of the Ionosphere," S.S. Prasad and D.R. Furman, Annals de Geophysics, 30, 477, 1974.
11. "Atmospheric Gravity Waves: Their Effect on Ionospheric Temperature and Composition," S.S. Prasad and D.R. Furman, J. Atmos. Terr. Phys.,37, 17, 1975.
10. "Is There a Real Shortage of Solar Extreme Ultravoilet?," S.S. Prasad and D.R. Furman, J. Geophys. Res., 79, 2463, 1974.
9. "Electron Cooling by Molecular Oxygen," S.S. Prasad and D.R. Furman, J. Geophys. Res., 73, 6701, 1973.
8. "Ionospheric Slab Thickness," D.R. Furman and S.S. Prasad J. Geophys. Res., 73, 5837, 1973.
7. "Upper Atmospheric Spectroscopy," A.E.S. Green, S.S. Prasad and L.R. Peterson. Special NASA Publication edited by S.T. Wu and R. Smith, NASA SP-304, 1972.
6. "Ultravoilet Emissions from Atomic Nitrogen in the Aurora," S.S. Prasad and A.E.S. Green, J. Geophys. Res., 76, 2419, 1971.
5. "Ionic Composition and Temperature Over Arecibo 2." S.S. Prasad, J. Geophys. Res., 75, 1911, 1970.
4. "Escaping Photoelectrons and Dayglow," S.S. Prasad, J. Geophys. Res., 74, 4772, 1969.
3. "Mid-Latitude Electron Content and Slab Thickness," K.K. Mahajan, P.B. Rao, and S.S. Prasad, J. Geophys. Res., 73, 2477, 1968.
2. "Night-Time Ionic Compositions and Temperature Over Arecibo," S.S. Prasad, J. Geophys. Res., 73, 6795, 1968.
1. "Determination of Loss and Transport in the Night-Time F-Region from Back-Scattered N-h Profiles," S.S. Prasad, J. Atmos. Terr. Phys., 29, 987, 1967.
Go to Top of The Publication List
16. "Thermal Structure of the Dayside Upper Atmosphere of Venus above 124 Km." D.J. Hollenbach, S.S. Prasad and R.C. Whitten, ICARUS, 64, 205, 1985.
15. "Galactic Cosmic Rays and N2 Dissociation on Titan," L.A. Capone, J. Dubach, S.S. Prasad, and R.C. Whitten, ICARUS, 55, 73, 1983.
14. "Chemical Model Calculations of C2, C3, CH, CN, OH and NH2 Abundances in Cometary Comae," G.F. Mitchell, S.S. Prasad, and W.T. Huntress, Jr., Ap. J., 244, 1087, 1981.
13. "Formation of Organic Molecules on Titan," L.A. Capone, S.S. Prasad, W.T. Huntress, R.C. Whitten, J. Dubach, and K. Santhanam, Nature, 293, 45, 1981.
12. "Cosmic Ray Synthesis of Organic Molecules in Titan's Atmosphere," L.A. Capone, J. Dubach, R.C. Whitten, S.S. Prasad, and K. Santhanam, ICARUS, 44, 72, 1980.
11. "Cosmic Ray Ionization of the Jovian Atmosphere," L.A. Capone, J. Dubach, R.C. Whitten, and S.S. Prasad, ICARUS, 39, 433, 1979.
10. "Ionospheres of Saturn, Uranus and Neptune," L.A. Capone, R.C. Whitten, S.S. Prasad, and J. Dubach, Ap. J., 215, 977, 1977.
9. "The Photochemistry of Ammonia in the Jovian Atmosphere," Sheo S. Prasad and Louis A. Capone, J. Geophys. Res., 81, 5596, 1976.
8. "The Lower Ionosphere of Titan," L.A. Capone, R.C. Whitten, J. Dubach. S.S. Prasad, and W.T. Huntress, Jr., ICARUS, 28, 367, 1976.
7. "Comments on Darell F. Strobel's Discussion of Paper by S.S. Prasad and A. Tan, 'The Jovian Ionosphere'," S.S. Prasad, Geophys. Res. Letters,2, 523, 1975.
6. "Possible New Jovian Thermospheric Model," S.S. Prasad, Ap. J., 200, L171, 1975.
5. "Photochemistry in the Jovian Atmosphere," S.S. Prasad, L.A. Capone, and L.J. Schneck, Geophys. Res. Letters, 2, 161, 1975.
4. "Photochemistry in the Jovian Atmosphere," S.S. Prasad, L.A. Capone, and L.J. Schneck, The Magnetospheres of the Earth and Jupiter, Ed. V. Formasino, Reidel Publishings Company, North Holland, 1975.
3. "The Jovian Ionosphere," S.S. Prasad and Arjun Tan, Geophys. Res. Letters.1, 337, 1974.
2. "Jovian Ionospheric Models," L.A. Capone and S.S. Prasad, ICARUS, 20, 200, 1973.
1. "The Jovian Ionosphere: Composition and Temperature," S.S. Prasad
and L.A. Capone, ICARUS, 15, 45, 1971.
Go to Top of The Publication List
23. "Evolutionary Models of Interstellar Chemistry", S. S. Prasad. 1991. An invited review presented at the IAU Symposium # 150. In Astrochemistry of Cosmic Phenomena, (ed. P.D.Singh), Kluwer Publications, 1992.
22. "Astrochemistry Library with Artificial Intelligence for Quality Control", S. S. Prasad and P. Gangopadhaya, A paper presented at the IAU Symposium # 150. In Astrochemistry of Cosmic Phenomena, (ed. P.D.Singh), Kluwer Publications, 1992.
21. "Dynamical Conditions of Dense Clumps in Dark Clouds: A strategy for Elucidation", S. S. Prasad, Fragmentation of Molecular Clods and Star Formation, (E. Falgarone et al. Eds.), Kluwer Publications, 1991.
20. "Dynamical Evolution and Molecular Abundances in Interstellar Clouds", S. S. Prasad, K. R. Heere and S. P. Tarafdar. 1991, Ap. J., 373, 123.
19. "Observational Constrains for Chemistry of Dark Clouds", S.R. Federman, W. T. Huntress, and S.S. Prasad, Ap. J., 1989
18. "Some Salient Features of Evolving Molecular Clouds", S.P. Tarafdar, S.K. Ghosh, K.R. Heere, S.S. Prasad, Highlights of Astronomy, 8, 345, 1989.
17. "Chemical Evolution of Molecular Clouds," S.S. Prasad, S.P. Tarafdar, K.R. Villere and W.T. Huntress, in Interstellar Process, Ed. D.J. Hollenbach and H.A. Thronson, 1987. D. Reidel Publishing Company.
16. "Evolutionary Models of Interstellar Clouds," S.S. Prasad in Astrochemistry, Proceedings of IAU Symposium #120, Ed. M.S. Vardya and S.P. Tarafdar, 1986. D. Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht.
15. "Total Reaction Probabilities for Translationally Hot (3.7 eV) D Atoms Reacting with H2 and Their Astrophysical Implications", H. R. Mayne and S. S. Prasad, Int. J. Chem. Kinet., 18, 977, 1986.
14. "Interstellar Clouds: From a Dynamical Perspective on Chemistry," S.S. Prasad in Molecular Astrophysics; State of the Art and Future Directions. Proceedings of NATO Advance Research Workshop, Ed. G. H.G. Dcerksen, W.F. Huebner, and P.W. Lanhoff, 1985. D. Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht, The Netherlands.
13. "Chemistry in Dynamically Evolving Clouds," S.P. Tarafdar, S.S. Prasad, W.T. Huntress, Jr., K.R. Villere and D.C. Black, Ap. J., 289, 220, 1985.
12. "The Chemistry of Phosphorus in Dense Interstellar Clouds," L.R. Thorne, V.G. Anicich, S.S. Prasad, and W.T. Huntress, Jr., Ap. J., 280, 139, 1984.
11. "Dependence of Interstellar Depletion on Hydrogen Column Density: Possibilities and Implications," S.P. Tarafdar, S.S. Prasad, and W.T. Huntres, Jr., Ap. J., 267, 156, 1983.
10. "UV Radiation Field Inside Dense Clouds: Its Possible Existence and Chemical Implications," S.S. Prasad and S.P. Tarafdar, Ap. J,267, 603, 1983.
9. "Loss of CO+ Ions by Reactions with H2 in OMC-1," W.T. Huntress, Jr., S.S. Prasad, R.D. Gates, and M.T. Bowers, Astron. Astrophys., 114, 275, 1982.
8. "Sulfur Chemistry in Dense Interstellar Clouds," S.S. Prasad and W.T. Huntress, Jr., Ap. J, 267, 156, 1983.
7. "Laboratory and Modeling Studies of Chemistry in Dense Molecular Clouds." W.T. Huntress, Jr., S.S. Prasad and G.F. Mitchell, in Interstellar Molecules, (B.H. Andrews, Ed.), p. 331, Reidel Publishing Co., Boston. USA, 1980.
6. "Interstellar Sulfur Chemistry," S.S. Prasad and W.T. Huntress, Jr., in Interstellar Molecules, (B.H. Andrews, Ed.), p. 297, Reidel Publishing Co., Boston USA, 1980.
5. "Interstellar Synthesis of Cyanopolyynes and Related Molecules," G.F. Mitchell, W.T. Huntress, Jr., and S.S. Prasad, Ap. J., 233, 102, 1979.
4. "A Model for Gas Phase Chemistry in Interstellar Clouds: II. Non Equilibrium Effects and Effects of Temperature and Activation Energies," S.S. Prasad and W.T. Huntress, Jr., Ap. J., 239, 151, 1980.
3. "A Model for Gas Phase Chemistry in Interstellar Clouds: I. The Basic Model, Library of Chemical Reactions, and Chemistry Among C, N and O Compounds," S.S. Prasad and W.T. Huntress, Jr., Ap. J. Suppl., 43, 1, 1980.
2. "Interstellar Carbon Dioxide," S.S. Prasad and W.T. Huntress, Jr., Ap. J., 228, 123, 1979.
1. "NCO: A Possible Interstellar Species," S.S. Prasad and W.T. Huntress, Jr., Mon. Not. Roy. Astr. Soc. (London), 185, 741, 1978.
Go to Top of The Publication List
18. "Electronic Transition Moment Variation in CN-Violet Band System," S.S. Prasad and Kamini Prasad, J. Phys. B., 2, 725, 1969.
17. "Semiempirical Electron Impact Cross Sections for Atmospheric Gases," L.R. Peterson, S.S. Prasad, and A.E.S. Green, Canad. J. Chem., 47, 1774, 1969.
16. "Semiempirical Cross Sections and the Airglow and Aurora," A.E.S. Green, L.R. Peterson, and S.S. Prasad, in Atmospheric Emissions, ed. Billy M. McCormac and Anders Omholt (Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1969), pp. 524-532.
15. "Empirical Calculation for Electron-Impact Ionization of Alkali Metal Atoms," S.S. Prasad, Proc. Phys. Soc. (London), 92, 871, 1967.
14. "Isotope Shift in Li-Isoelectronic Sequence," A.L. Stewart and S.S. Prasad, Proc. Phys. Soc. (London), 87, 159, 1966.
13. "Electron Impact Ionization of H (2s) and H (2p)," S.S. Prasad, Proc. Phys. Soc. (London), 87, 1966.
12. "Impact Ionization of Sodium," D.R. Bates, A.H. Boyd, and S.S. Prasad, Proc. Phys. Soc. (London), 85, 1121, 1965.
11. "Electron Exchange in Impact Ionization of Hydrogen," S.S. Prasad, Proc. Phys. Soc. (London), 85, 1121, 1965.
10. "Classical Calculation of for Impact Ionization," S.S. Prasad and Kamini Prasad, Proc. Phys. Soc. (London), 85, 655, 1963.
9. "Franck-Condon Factors and r-Centroids in the -System of TiO and 2-2 System of VO," S.S. Prasad, Proc. Phys. Soc. (London), 82, 419, 1963.
8. "Determination of re, the Difference Between the Equilibrium Internuclear Distances in the Two Electronic States of a Diatomic Molecule, from Intensities of Vibrational Bands," S.S. Prasad, Proc. Phys. Soc. (London), 81, 705, 1963.
7. "Franck-Condon Factors and r-Centroids for the 2-2 System of VO." S.S. Prasad, Ind. J. Phys., 37, 457, 1963.
6. "Variation of Electronic Transition Moment in Schumann-Runge Band System of O2," S.S. Prasad, Proc. Phys. Soc. (London), 80, 873, 1962.
5. "Variation of Electronic Transition Moment in CN Voilet Band System," S.S. Prasad, Indian J. Phys., 36, 873, 1962.
4. "Franck-Condon Factors and r-Centroids for Blue-Green System of MgO," S.S. Prasad and Kamini Prasad, Proc. Phys. Soc. (London), 80, 873, 1962.
3. "Franck-Condon Factors and r-Centroids for TiO -System," S.S. Prasad, Proc. Pys. Soc. (London), 79, 1078, 1962.
2. "On the Determination of Equilibrium Inter-Nuclear Distance from Intensity of Vibrational Bands," S.P. Sinha and S.S. Prasad, Current Sci. (India), 23, 61, 1959.
1. "Report on the Spectrum of Di-Atomic Molecules I and II," S.P. Sinha, S.S. Prasad, B.N. Rai, and K.D. Rai, Bihar University Journal, Bihar University, Muzaffarpur, Bihar, India, 1965.
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These textbooks were written while Dr. Prasad was on the faculty of L.S. College, the main campus of Bihar University in India. Since their first publication, these textbooks have been through their 12th editions.
1. Prayogik Bhautiki(1), S.P. Sinha, S.S. Prasad, S. Kumar, and B.N. Rai (Publisher: Bharti Bhavan, 1956), 325 pp.
2. Saral Prayogik Bhautiki(2), S.P. Sinha and S.S. Prasad (Publisher: Bharti Bhavan, 1958), 193 pp.
Translated in English it means Experimental Physics
Translated in English it means Elementary Experimental Physics
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Atmospheric Ozone; R.C. Whitten and S.S. Prasad, Editors. Contributed Chapters by J. London, E.F. Danielsen, R.C. Whitten, S.S. Prasad, R.P. Turco, F.M. Luther and J. Fishman. Published in 1985 by Von Nostrond & Reinhold.